Work with unemployed or precariously employed British Columbians?


Are you a WorkBC Employment Counsellor, Public Post-Secondary Career Advisor, Private Career College Career Advisor, or Employment Service Provider? Help us inform BC residents and employers about the Get BC Working! Program.

Do you work with job seekers who are residents of BC are looking for full-time employment?

The Program helps eligible job seekers get hired, gain skills and experience, and receive third-party training!

What is the Get BC Working Program?

The Get BC Working! Program offers eligible employers in BC a negotiated Wage Subsidy up to $3600 as an incentive to hire eligible job seekers facing challenges to finding employment.

What makes a job seeker eligible?
  • Unemployed or Precariously employed (working unstable or irregular hours (such as casual labour or on-call work), working for unreliable wages (such as piecework or commission) and/or working for earnings that cannot support an individual or their family
  • Seeking long-term employment
  • Facing challenges to obtaining employment
  • Not receiving duplicative financial supports from another provincially or federally funded labour market program, though may be receiving complementary, nonduplicative financial supports from other programs, such as WorkBC
  • Resident of BC (living in BC as a Canadian, a permanent resident, recent immigrant or a protected person) and legally entitled to work in Canada (not utilizing a student visa, study or closed permit)

Click below to request Get BC Working! program information